On this page you will find all the essential information about the company. You want to know more? Contact us, we will be happy to help you!

References & Projects

SOLIT Information Security is an owner-managed, manufacturer-independent consulting firm for information security.
Since 2008, we have been available to customers in all areas of IT security, information security and data protection.
We support our customers in the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of their IT-based business security.
We help to protect your information!
SOLIT Information Security was founded by Jörg Stefan Folz to be able to offer expertise independent of products. By dispensing with integration services and the sale of hardware and software, we act independently, objectively and oriented to the customer's needs. In complex projects where professional competence and trust go hand in hand, we often act as trustees for the client and represent their needs to integrators and other service providers involved.
Jörg Stefan Folz has been managing director of the company since its foundation in 2008.
References & Projects
Successful projects create trust! The issues of information security and data protection are manifold. In order to give you an impression of the range of our activities, you will find a selection of different projects below:
- Conception and integration of an ISMS (Information Security Management System) in a German Landesbank
- Entire process of restructuring the IT landscape of a state-owned enterprise (from admission requirements to implementation audit)
- Redundancy concept for the establishment and operation of DR data centers for a German financial institution in Luxembourg
- Requirements analysis and selection process for SIEM solutions
- Data protection mandates for German investment funds and banks
- Planning and carrying out technical audits of security solutions in financial institutions in Luxembourg
- Definition and implementation of Business Continuity Management in a German bank in Luxembourg (IT and specialist areas)
- Definition of the strategy and tactics of the information security policy of a large German bank in Luxembourg
- Workshops and seminars on information security
- Supporting the processing of a financial institution from the perspective of information security
- Network and security redesign of a state enterprise for the Luxemburgish school system

Jörg Folz
Jörg Stefan Folz is the founder and managing director of SOLIT Information Security s. à r. l. He has been active on the Luxembourg market since 2001. Since then, he has supported companies in the conception, implementation, review and continuous improvement of projects related to information security. Through many years of experience and ongoing training, customers gain a partner with a high level of competence and reliability when it comes to protecting their information.
SOLIT INFORMATION SECURITY | 59 route du vin | 6841 Machtum | Luxembourg
phone +352 2674 5983 | fax +352 2674 5082 | info@solit.lu